Clients routinely ask us to assist them with financial, estate and tax planning. Our solid relationships with many of the top-ranked planning firms can be valuable resources should you need assistance with wealth management planning issues. Our in-depth knowledge of your financial affairs and objectives enables us to act as an intermediary to expedite the planning process. This can save you time and money.
Do you need to engage the services of a corporate trustee to oversee the administration of your personal trusts? Or perhaps you’re a beneficiary of a trust that was established by deceased parents or relatives. Do your trust documents require that assets be administered by a corporate trustee? For instances like these, we have made arrangements with corporate fiduciaries who can fulfill the trustee and administrative roles, while delegating investment management authority to SKY. This arrangement has many advantages:
- Management of trust assets is integrated with your other investment activities.
- Corporate trusteeship and trust administration is delegated while you work directly with SKY on investment management.
- Communication with your corporate trustee is enhanced because of our familiarity with your situation and your trustee’s fiduciary responsibilities.

As clients and their families prepare to pursue evolving financial goals, SKY can be a valuable resource. Our ability to muster and manage wealth management resources on your behalf can help you simplify this difficult and time-consuming process.
Family Support: Support ranges from administrative services to lifestyle support.
- Facilitate family meetings around core values and your family’s mission
- Coordination with and referral of other counsel
- Monitoring and reporting to other counsel